

District Rural Development AgencyDRDA

  • Employment Generation and Marketing Mission.
  • Skill Development Trainings –DRDA, Kamareddy.
  • Vision: Sustained elimination of poverty of underprivileged Rural Youth, with a Focus on remote areas.
  • Mission: Employment/Employability enhancement of BPL Rural Youth through Market driven training.
  • Objective: Articulated by the community one job for every poor family.

Office Staff Contacts:

S.No. Name Designation Mobile Number Email Address
1 Sayanna District Rural Development Officer 9100660333 drdo-kmr-rd[at]telangana[dot]gov[dot]in
2 B.Murali Krishna Addl. District Rural Development Officer 9908132054
3 THATIPARTHI.RAVINDER RAO Distl Project Manager- Bank Linkage 8790990128
4 KAPILA SUDHAKER Distl Project Manager- Institution & Capacity Building 8790990132
5 VILAS RAO PESHWAKAR Distl Project Manager- Institution & Social Securety  8790990102
6 KUMMARI RAMESH BABU Distl Project Manager- Human Development 8374446235
7 KASBEX GNANU Distl Project Manager- Finance 8790990307
8 SURUKUNTI VAKULA Distl Project Manager- Agriculture & Lively hood Farm  8790994230
9 CHILUKA RAJENDHER Asst Project Manager HR-Admn. 8790990115
10 BAGIRTHI GANGARAM Deputy Stastical Officer 9866440899

Department Websites :