
Dharani Township – Rajiv Swagruha – IVth Phase Auction.

Dharani Township – Rajiv Swagruha – IVth Phase Auction.


Sold out Plots & Houses (290) List (PDF 304KB)

To be Sold houses & plots List (205KB)

Dharani Township Brochure of IVth Phase Auction(PDF 4.90MB)

Dharani Township Layout Map of of IVth Phase Auction(PDF 567KB)


Sl.No Date & Session  Semi finished Houses / Plot Nos Semi finished Houses / Plot size (in Sq yds)  No. of Semi finished Houses / Plots / Facing Category 
1 16.03.2023 Session 1
Intrinsic – 16  196.0 Sq. yrds (36′-0″x49′-0″)  West – (01) Plot
(Pedastal  Completed) 
Intrinsic – (09) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Intrinsic – (08) Plots
(Plinth Beam Completed)

Basic – (03) Plots
(Plinth Beam Completed)

Basic – (02) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Total – 22

Intrinsic – 36, 38 & 39                               200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) East (03) Plots
(Plinth Beam Completed)
Intrinsic – 41, 42, 51 & 52 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) West – (04) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Intrinsic – 57  200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) East – (01) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Intrinsic – 58, 59 & 60 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) East – (03) Plots
(Pedastal  Completed) 
Intrinsic -78 & 80  200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) East – (02) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Intrinsic -90, 91 & 92  200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) Wast- (03) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Basic – 1, 2 & 9 146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  East – (03) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Basic – 3 & 10  146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  East – (02) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Session 2
Basic – 15 & 30 146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  East – (02) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Basic – (17) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Basic – (05) Plots
(Plinth Beam Completed)

Total – 22

Basic – 36, 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 54, 61 & 62 146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  West – (15) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Basic – 55, 56, 57, 58 & 59 146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  West – (05) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed)
2 17.03.2023 Session 1
Basic – 60, 63 & 64 146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  West – (03) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Basic – (06) Plots
(Plinth Beam Completed)

Basic – (15) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Basic –  (01) Open Plot

Total – 22

Basic -75  150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) East – (01) Plot
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Basic – 94, 96, 102  & 103  150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (04) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Basic -104 & 105 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (02) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed
Basic – 130, 131, 132 & 133 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (04) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Basic -134 & 135 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (02) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)
Basic – 146 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) East – (01) Plot 
(Pedastal  Completed )
Basic – 166,168 & 169  150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (03) Plot 
(Pedastal  Completed )
Basic – 186  150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) East – (01)
Open Plot 
Basic – 192 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (01) Plot 
(Pedastal  Completed )
Session 2
Basic – 193   150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (01) Plot 
(Pedastal  Completed )
Basic – (01) Plot
(Pedastal Completed)

Basic – (01) Plot
(PCC Completed)

Civic – (18) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Civic – (02)
Open Plots

Total – 22

Basic – 194 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (01) Plot 
(PCC Completed )
Civic – 93, 94, 95, 96  &  97 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (05)  Plots 
(Pedastal  Completed )
Civic – C-26  154.88 Sq.yrds  North/West – (01)
Open Plot
Civic – 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68  &  69 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (08) Plots 
(Pedastal  Completed)
Civic – 141 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West –  (01)
Open Plot
Civic – 52, 53, 54,  55 & 56 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (05) Plots
(Pedastal  Completed)
3 18.03.2023 Session 1
Civic – 57 & 58 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (02) Plots
(Pedastal  Completed)
Civic – (15) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Civic – (03) Open Plots

Civic – (03) Plots
(Plinth Beaml Completed)

Civic – (01) Plot
(Footing Completed)

Total – 22

Civic – 59 & C – 25 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) &
199.55 Sq.yrds
East – (01) Open Plot               North/East (01) Open Plot
Civic –  C-21 95.79 Sq . Yrds West –  (01)
Open Plot
Civic – 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44  & 45  100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (09) Plots 
(Pedastal  Completed)
Civic – 31, 33 & 34 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (03) Plots
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Civic – 35 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (01) Plot
(Pedastal  Completed)
Civic – 22 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West –  (01) Plot
(Footing Completed)
Civic – 23, 24 & 25 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (03) Plots
(Pedastal  Completed)
Session 2
Civic – 26, 27 & 28 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (03) Plots
(Pedastal  Completed)
Civic – (04) Plots
(Pedastal Completed)

Civic – (10) Open Plots

Civic – (02) Plots
(Plinth Beam Completed)

Civic – (06) Plots
(Footing Completed)

Total – 22

Civic – 20 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (01) Plot
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Civic – 21 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (01) Plot
(Pedastal  Completed)
Civic – 15, 16  & 17 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West –  (03) Plot
(Footing Completed)
Civic – 14 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (01) Plot 
(Plinth beam  Completed)
Civic –  C-09  &  C- 10   100.00 Sq.yrds &
106.76 Sq.yrds
West –  (02)
Open Plots
Civic – 09, 10  &  11 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West –  (03) Plots
(Footing Completed)
Civic – C- 05 & C-06 109.31 Sq.yrds &
118.48 Sq.yrds
West –  (02)
Open Plots
Civic – 5 & 6 109.31 Sq.yrds &
109.31 Sq.yrds
West –  (02)
Open Plots
Civic – C-01  &  C-02 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) &
 86.18 Sq.yrds
West –  (02)
 Open Plots
Civic – 01 & 02 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″)  West –  (02)
Open Plots
4 20.03.2023 Session 1
 Classic 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 & 22 SFH 266.66 Sq. yrds (40′-0″x60′-0″) West – (06) Houses 
(Plastering Completed) 
   Classic – (06) Houses
(Plastering Completed)

 Classic – (01) House
 (Ground Floor Slab Completed)  

 Classic – (02) Houses
(Ground Floor Columns Completed)

 Intrinsic – (03) Houses
(Ground Floor Slab Completed)

 Intrinsic – (03) Houses
(Ground Floor Columns Completed)

 Intrinsic – (15)  Houses
(Plastering Completed)

Total – 30

Classic – 23 SFH 266.66 Sq. yrds (40′-0″x60′-0″) West – (01) House 
(Ground Floor Slab  Completed) 
Classic – 24 & 25 SFH 266.66 Sq. yrds (40′-0″x60′-0″) West – (02) Houses 
(Ground Floor Columns Completed) 
Intrinsic – 45, 46 & 47  SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) West (03) Houses
(Ground Floor Slab Completed)
Intrinsic – 48, 49  & 50  SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) West (03) Houses
(Ground Floor Columns Completed)
Intrinsic –   64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 & 74  SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) West – (10) Houses 
(Plastering Completed) 
Intrinsic – 81, 82 & 83 SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) East – (03) Houses
(Plastering Completed) 
Intrinsic -84 SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) East – (01) House
(Plastering Completed) 
Intrinsic -85 SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) West – (01) House
(Plastering Completed) 
Session 2
Intrinsic – 86, 87, 88 & 89  SFH 200.0 Sq.yrds (36′-0″x50′-0″) West – (04) Houses
(Plastering Completed) 
 Intrinsic – (04)  Houses
(Plastering Completed)

 Basic – (05) Houses
(Ground Floor Columns Completed)

  Basic – (21) Houses
(Plastering Completed)

Total – 30

Basic – 6, 7  &  8  SFH 146.94 Sq. yrds (30′-0″x44′-1″)  East – (03)Houses 
(Ground Floor Columns Completed) 
Basic -137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143  & 144  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West- (08) House
(Plastering Completed) 
Basic – 147, 148, 149, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158  &  159  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) East – (11) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Basic – 162 & 163  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (02)Houses 
(Ground Floor Columns Completed) 
Basic – 172 & 173  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (02) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
5 21.03.2023 Session 1
Basic – 174  & 175  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (02) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Basic – (14) Houses
(Plastering Completed)

Civic – (16)  Houses
(Plastering Completed)

Total – 30

Basic – 179  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) East – (01) House
(Plastering  Completed)
Basic – 180, 181, 182, 183 & 184  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) East – (05) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Basic – 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 & 203  SFH 150.0 Sq.yrds (30′-0″x45′-0″) West – (06) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Civic –  104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112  &  121  SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (10) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Civic – 98, 99, 100  & 101  SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (04) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Civic – 78 & 79  SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (02) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Session 2
Civic – 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90  & 91 SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (12) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Civic – (19)   Houses 
(Plastering  Completed )

Civic- (07) House
(Ground Floor Slab Completed)

Civic – (05) House
(Ground Floor Columns Completed)

Total – 31

Civic – 70, 71, 72, 73 ,74 ,75  &  76  SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) West – (07) Houses
(Plastering  Completed)
Civic – 50, 29, 30 & 32  SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (04) Houses
(Ground Floor Columns Completed)
Civic – 18 SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East- (01) House
(Ground Floor Slab Completed)
Civic – 19 SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East – (01) House
 (Ground Floor Columns Completed)
Civic –  03, 04, 07, 08, 12  &  13  SFH 100.0 Sq.yrds (27′-5″x32′-10″) East- (06) Houses
(Ground Floor Slab Completed)