
Sakhi One Stop Centre, Kamareddy.

Sakhi One Stop Centre :

Sakhi-One Stop Center


The Sakhi One Stop Centres (OSCs) are a part of the One Stop Centre scheme that provides support to women affected by violence. The scheme was launched by the Government of India on April 1, 2015. 

Women Help Line : 181



  • Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, and economic abuse 
  • Women who have experienced attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honor related crimes, acid attacks, or witch-hunting.
Sakhi TreeMonitoring and implementation :
  • District and state authorities are responsible for monitoring, coordinating, and mid-course correction
  • The Ministry reviews the scheme and functioning of the centers by issuing advisories to states and UT administrations
  • There is an online platform called Sakhi Dashboard to monitor the implementation of the scheme
The scheme aims to support women in private and public spaces, including the family, community, and workplace.
Sakhi One Stop Centre, Kamareddy.
Office Mobile Number : 7386276181

Sakhi-One Stop Center

Sakhi-One Stop Center